About Cowboy Gabe
Cowboy Gabe is an internet cowboy from a long lineage of internet cowboys. His mother was an internet cowboy, and her mother was an internet cowboy.
As an internet cowboy, Cowboy Gabe enjoys exploring the web, and longs to dismantle soulless corporation forms of social media in place of fierce self-expression. This town aint big enough for both of them.
Cowboy Gabe resides on Shattercane Mountain, part of the Great Smokey Mountains. In his free time he enjoys cryptozoology, talking to his internet cowboy comerades, and playing video games.
Cowboy Gabe was created by Ladpotch, a transmasc writer/worldbuilder/weird kid. Information on this site can apply to me, or Cowboy Gabe, most of the time both of us. No, it's not an arg (sounds like something an arg would say), although there are a lot of secrets. I hope you have fun looking around!

Frequently asked questions
Q: Why don't the navigation links work?
A: Because I haven't finished the pages yet, silly goose
Q: What's your favorite band?
A: KFC Murder Chicks
Q: Why do you look like that?
A: Look like what?
Q: Why would you even make this page?
A: Well if an internet cowboy named Cowboy Gabe contacted you from a NASA Satellite, wouldn't you make a Neocities for him? Or are you inconsiderate toward internet cowboys?